If you understand German, there are tons of information about CyberSecurity and how to improve your security.
BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) has a lot of resources published here:Alliance for Cybersecurity : https://www.allianz-fuer-cybersicherheit.de
The materials are available here: https://www.allianz-fuer-cybersicherheit.de/ACS/DE/Informationspool/Materialien/materialien.html
They are covering multiple areas, as can be seen at the above link:
- Materialien
- Sensibilisierung
- Sofortmaßnahmen
- Cyber-Sicherheitslage
- Angriffserkennung und -methoden
- Zert. Dienstleister
- Speziell für Techniker
- Speziell für Anwender
- Cyber-Sicherheits-Check
Most documents are in German, but if you’re looking carefully, there are also some in English.
Here is one example: Cyber Security Check
All these and many more topics are in the free eBook "Improve your security" available here: www.improve-your-security.org.